If you’re looking for the Ulitmate in powerful gemstones, this has got to be right at the top of the list!
This luminous green stone is thought to have first formed 14.7 million years ago during the impact of a giant meteorite in the present-day Nördlinger Ries crater.
It was discovered that moldavites exhibited curious pittings and wrinkles on the surface, which could not be due to the action of water, but resembled the characteristic markings on many meteorites. Scientists attributed the material to a cosmic origin (which is why Moldavite is often referred to today as the “Alien Stone” or “Extra Terrestrial Stone”) and regarded moldavites as a special type of meteorite for which he proposed the name of tektite.
Is Moldavite the most powerful stone in the world?
Moldavite is generally accepted as being one of the most, if not the most powerful Gemstones of our time. This is because it carries the energies of the extraterrestrial world. These, combined with our planet’s vibrational energies, result in a powerful range of healing and spiritual frequencies, which can be felt as soon as you hold the stone in your hand.
If you are lucky enough to own a piece of genuine Moldavite and would like it transforming into a One of a Kind piece of Jewellery send us a message and we will be happy to discuss your ideas. The images and videos on this page show a few of our recent Bespoke pieces custom made using our client’s existing stones.